Build a Todo App with React.js
Learn React with hands-on examples and build a todo list application in a couple of hours
You have probably heard of the React library. it’s a performance-minded view renderer made by the Facebook developers.
of developers use react to create dynamic user interfaces and deliver
cutting-edge applications with the best user experience possible
This course will get you up to speed quickly with easy to follow short videos. It is project-oriented with hands-on examples, from simple to complex, that will help you with the most fundamentals concepts of React:
Topics include:
And, together we will build a web app - we
will put everything together to create a basic Todo App with functions
that will allows users to add, edit and delete tasks to do.
What are the benefits of taking this class:
sandy ludosky
What is React?
Why React?
Prerequisites- What you should know?
What you need?
Demo Files
First React Component
React Properties
Create the Todo Component
The User Interface
Using Properties
Handling Events
Adding and Using State
Using Refs
Todolist component
Editing and Saving Todos
Adding and Removing Todos
Adding Javascript logic