Course Description

As an expert in human behavior, I'm regularly asked to give lectures or workshops on stress. It's increasingly an issue. This course was born out of dozens of interactive workshops that I led, where real people just like you sat down and created a personal action plan to help them deal with pressure and stress. It is packed with very concrete things anyone can do to help manage their stress levels. there are so many of them in this course, actually more than 40, as the title kinda gives away, So that you can find what works for you.

In this course, everything is science based. For those of you familiar with my other courses, you will know that everything I bring forward is rooted in scientific studies. I won't suggest things just because I happen to like them, or think they are cool. As the former director of the institute of Neurocognitivism, I kinda pledged an oath to facts and truth...

But don't worry, this course isn't about cold facts and figures either. I'm not a scientist myself. I'm a communicator. I'm into edutainment. I enjoy bringing complex and sometimes difficult material in a fun and engaging way. So you're supposed to enjoy this...

So what we're going to see in this course is the following

  • First we will analyze stress. where it comes from, what it does, the different types of stress, etc
  • After that, we will go over the 4 different types of dealing with stress. I call them 'relief strategies' For each of them I will give 10 concrete examples of what you can do to activate the benefits of that strategy.

So 10 examples for 4 strategies: that's 40 ways to deal with stress.

But it doesn't end here. you are highly encouraged to leave your own ideas and examples for each of the strategies, so that this course, just as the workshops I lead, become a co-creation where you help define the final outcome of the course. You will be responsible for the “+", in the “40+ easy ways to deal with stress".

Neurocognitive and Behavioral Expert

Gregory Caremans

Besides my lifelong passion for human behavior and personal development, I've worked the last 15 years in training and development, and was trained into the Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach A lot of people who follow my blog or enroll in my courses are quite curious about this NBA-thing, theNeurocognitive and Behavioral Approach. When you google it, you hardly find information on it. The reason for this is simple: The NBA has its origins in France, and is called ANC, l'approche Neurocognitive et Comportementale. Now when you google that, you'll find loads of information, unfortunately, the vast majority of it is in french… So that's where I come in. I have been the Director of the Institute of Neurocognitivism, which task is to spread the NBA, for several years. I worked directly with the founders of the NBA, Dr. Jacques Fradin and his colleagues, and became an expert in his approach. in 2014 I created Human Dimension and took the decision to take the NBA one step further by elevating it's reach from a regional scope to a worldwide reach, by translating the work of Jacques Fradin into English, and make it accessible to everyone. With my team, we decided to translate the NBA into every day, real life applications: How to use the NBA to raise children, to become a better manager, to deal with stress, and so on… We've added new perspectives and insights from brilliant minds such as Daniel Kahneman, David Brooks, Dan Ariely, Antonio Damasio, Steven Pinker, and many more Understanding how our brains work and their impact on our behavior has a major impact on how we see ourselves and others. It helps us be at peace with ourselves and be more tolerant towards others. In other words: it makes the world a better place to live in. So join us in this brain-revolution. Join one of my groundbreaking courses and become part of the tribe

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • promo

    • Introduction

  • 2

    Stress defined

    • Why we experience stress

    • How do you deal with stress

    • What happens in our body?

    • What about you?

  • 3

    Cognitive relief strategies

    • What are cognitive relief strategies?

    • 10 Cognitive Relief Strategies

    • Now it's your turn

  • 4

    Physical relief strategies

    • What are physical relief strategies?

    • 10 physical relief strategies

    • Now it's your turn

  • 5

    Sensory relief strategies

    • What are sensory relief strategies?

    • 10 sensory relief strategies

    • Now it's your turn

  • 6

    Emotional relief strategies

    • What are emotional relief strategies

    • 10 emotional relief strategies

    • Now it's your turn

  • 7


    • Conclusion