Neuroscience for leadership and management
Combine science and business. Boost your leadership and communication skills. Inspire and sharpen your team.
Are you a manager or entrepreneur who has to lead a team? Keep reading, this should interest you.
Do you wonder how to bring your people to the next level? What is that famous next level anyway? And where can you find the manual...?
Well... you just found it!
This course has the ambition to build a bridge between neuroscience and managers. A bridge between how our brain works and how to use that knowledge to improve our communication and leadership abilities.
So expect some theory, of course, about the 4 different brain structures that are responsible for how we act and react to things. But most of all, expect concrete, real life examples, homework where you'll put this knowledge into practice, and exercises about how we can manage our brain (oh yes, there’s all kind of pretty cool stuff inside). Best of all, learn communication techniques to effectively manage your team members, connect them to their intrinsic motivation, their prefrontal adaptation skills, and make a difference. Leadership is not a given. It's something you (l)earn.
note: If you have already followed Master Your Brain, here on Ulearning, be aware that this course covers the same approach and techniques. The main difference is about how to put them into practice in a business environment
Gregory Caremans
4 brain structures
Neuroscience for managers
Promo video
The role of the reptilian brain
Types of stress
Recognizing our own stress
Managing our own stress
Introduction to RSM
Conclusion to the Reptilian Brain
Role of the Paleolimbic Brain
Self confidence
Changing our own positioning
climbing up the ladder
RGPM - Relational Group Positioning Management
RGPM guidelines
Conclusion to the Paleolimbic Brain
Role of the Neolimbic Brain
Primary motivations
eight personality types
Secondary motivations
Managing the Neolimbic
Conclusion to the neolimbic brain
Automatic vs adaptive
6 dimensions
Multiple point of views
means demands pyramid
Prefrontal others
Conclusion to the prefrontal brain
Content and container
Who's in control
who's in control (answers)
Leadership vs Dominance
Final Conclusion