How to write a book in a week. No experience required.
Write book after book following a simple master plan, even about subjects you don't know.
Writing a none fiction book in a week is not difficult. All that is required is a subject, a knowledge of that subject and a plan.
This course will show you how by using a master plan you can write your book in a week. You can then go on to write another book in a week. In fact you can go on to write dozens of books, even books about things you know nothing about yet.
You will discover:
Although you are learning how to write you book in a week, not how to publish, you will need to know the basics of publishing. So that is covered to ensure you don't get lost.
By using this plan you will never suffer writers block, as you always know what has to be written about.
The plan has been developed and simplified over many years. Originally developed because of report writing taking over my life. I needed a system that enabled ten reports a week to be written that were taking forever. By reading what others did & talking to others, a plan was developed, and has satisfied my requirements for many years. For book writing it needed to be simplified. Reports have a lot of detail, books less so.
This system is perfect for none fiction writing, there are better systems written for fiction writing.
With my full support, and 30 days full money back guarantee you are assured of no risk to you.
Enroll today, publish next week. It really is that simple.
Peter Clark
How to use the course and understand book writing requirements.
Introduction to using the masterplan
Master-plan overview to create full understanding
Using the masterplan
The master-plan in operation. structuring a new book.
Putting pen to paper or fingers to keys. From plan to book writing.
Chapter Summary
Writing with a word processing program
Writing with a dedicated eBook program
Editing your manuscript.
Action Editing Practice
Titling and sub titling are essential elements of a book that must be right.
Action: Descriptions
Writing books on subjects you don't know
Ready to Start Writing
Subjects to Write About
Resources to be used after the videos have been watched.
Optional - none essential software for producing eBooks in a range of formats.