Course Description
The individual, social, and financial cost of chemical dependence is immense. This course is aimed at demystifying this condition and charts a clear path to recovery for each of the individuals and the entire family. Many of the concepts in this video are the new and innovative thoughts of the author.
This course focuses on the chemistry behind chemical dependence, the symptoms of the condition, how the problem develops and is maintained and how abstinence is best achieved.
Jef Gazley M.S., LMFT.
Jef Gazley
Course curriculum
Chemical Dependence: Understanding Adiction -Introduction
Flight, Fight or Freeze Response, the Reption, Mammilian and Human brains
Flight, Fight, and Freeze responses. The 3 brains, Reptilian, Mammilian and Human
Neurotransmitters and brain chemistry
Neurotranmitters, endorphins and brain chemistry
Self Medicating
Self Medicating to avoid pain, physical or emotional
Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanisms rationalizing chemical dependence and addictive behaviors
Cross Addiction
Cross Addiction substituting one addiction for another
Costs of Addiction
Costs of addiction, financial, physical and loss of social connection
The Problem Drinking Continuum
Problem drinking continuum, shame/control/release cycle
The Wheel of Balance
Wheel of balance to maintain sobriety and avoid relapse. Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual and Volitional